Category: Nursing Home

National Assisted Living Week

National Assisted Living Week

September 13-19, 2015 is National Assisted Living Week. Every year at this time, many of us in the industry recall those early days when even the phrase itself was new, and the concept of “Assisted Living” was still vague and formative. But how far we have come!

Today, you can go almost anywhere in North America and visit Assisted Living communities where the residents live in beautiful, supportive environments with wonderful neighbors. They enjoy inviting dining options, invigorating activities, and are surrounded by caring professionals who work tirelessly and selflessly to uplift the lives of all those who have made these communities their homes.

During National Assisted Living Week, and throughout the year, we at A Place for Mom are delighted to share in that noble mission of uplifting lives and helping families. We are so proud to educate families and introduce them to Assisted Living – as well as to Independent Living, Memory Care, Home Care and all other forms of Senior Living arrangements. Together we are helping these individuals and families live their lives to the fullest.

Health and Wellness for all Independent Seniors : Topic is Hydration.

Most of the seniors who are independent , would like to  live on their own home . Life is a challenge day to day, very  frequently they are afraid to drink water, because they have to go to bathroom so often. Ends up not drinking enough water resulting in dehydration , which is followed by various other illnesses including pneumonia’s and bladder infections etc. Do you know #1 cause of hospital admissions is dehydration among seniors.
